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"The Cosby Show" is Returning to Television!

After sexual assault allegations by several women were made towards the legendary actor

and comedian Bill Cosby, everyone’s favorite 80’s television show, The Cosby Show was banned

from television. It has been announced that The Cosby Show is returning to BounceTv, a network

that accommodates entertainment for African Americans.

BounceTv tweeted, “You asked, and we heard you loud and clear, Bouncers. We’re bringing

#TheCosbyShow back by popular demand! Tune in December 19 th .” the tweet read. Not all

bouncers were excited about the return of The Cosby Show, some viewers are still

uncomfortable that he allegedly raped several women. One viewer responded to BounceTv

saying, “Sorry would rather not imagine him drugging & raping those women between scenes.”

Regardless of allegations, BuzzSouthAfrica reported to African American communities see a

distinction between Bill Cosby and his character Cliff Huxtable. BounceTv was able to overlook

the allegations but will viewers be able to?

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